Sunday, March 26, 2017

March 2017 Wipocalypse

It seems we've survived another month and it's time for an update. I believe I said at the beginning of  the year that I was going to try and focus on finishing old wips. Well it hasn't worked out exactly that way, other things have kept me a little busy. Since my last post I have worked on FFOs:

Some were finally finished and  given away, but not before I got pictures.

I have updated a few Facebook group SALs:
This is from the Snowflower Diaries 2016 SAL (I guess you could also call it a finish).

This one is the Linen & Thread SAL. I'm getting close to finishing the March band so I can start April's on time.   I used a gift from a subscriber to my flosstube channel and stitched this piece, it is from the WOCS magazine design library by Durene Jones. (issue 252).
There wasn't a name for her, but I will call her "Iana".   I even have another new start
this is "Marquise" from Jadin Prive'. 

This month's question is "What stitchy blogs, groups or flosstube do you follow, and why?  Well as my fellow blogger Jo at Serendipitous Stitching said I follow quit a few blogs also.  I love reading about and seeing close-up pictures of beautiful stitching and having a little visit with other bloggers. It's like reading letters from friends.   I also belong to several Facebook stitching groups, I get a chance to actually interact with my favorite designers and other stitchers from all over the world. A lot of the stitchers have decided on to make flosstube (youtube) videos, including myself. With flosstube you can watch or just listen to (while you stitch ) wonderful stitchers talk about their progress updates, their lives and most fun of all their new stash.  I love having my friends stop by to keep me company while I stitch and I make my videos to return the favor.  You can watch my videos here . I'm off now to make some more wonderful little xxs. 



Sandy said...

Love your work. Looks like you've gotten a lot finished, congrats on the finishing and framing, I'm sure the people who received them will love them.

Justine said...

Wow - you have some amazing finishes! Congratulations. I love the one of the ladies exercising, I've not seen that one before but it's really funny.

I love reading your blog and watching you on floss tube, you have such a natural and chatty way of writing/speaking. It's like visiting a good friend!

Vickie said...

Very nice frames Minnie. It is nice to get so many pieces totally completed!

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Lovely finishes.I also like to keep up with your Youtube blog. You keep me compnay while I am stitching

Katie said...

WOW look at all those FFOs. Great job!! Love your March finish and your progress on the linen and thread piece. Beautiful!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Gosh, you have been busy framing! Lovely to see them all framed and finished.
I think you have a lovely calm voice and can hear it while I'm reading your blog now!
Great work on the Linens & Threads SAL. I have discovered that I have the Jardin Prive chart too, I was sent it and had forgotten I had it!

Bekah said...

Lovely framing, the colours in your pieces are lovely. I am excited to see Marquise come together with the pinks and greens.

Julie said...

What a post full of beautiful stitches... well done!

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

All such lovely pieces! I may stitch again soon.

Melinda Forbes said...

I love your flosstube - and your blog. I enjoy blogs because I can get a better look at your stitching. Thank you for sharing

Susana Laurencia said...

Very nice frames Minnie. It is nice to get so many pieces totally completed!

The content of your blog is exactly what I needed, I like your blog, I sincerely hope that your blog a rapid increase in traffic density, which help promote your blog and we hope that your blog is being updated.