Before I show pictures I have to say that I didn’t get as
much stitching done and I’m going to blame it on my
husband. On Saturday when I was just
sitting down to stitch DH came home from the golf course (yes in 90 degree
heat) and asked I mean announced that he was taking me to the movies to
see RIPD. (Which was really cute, I liked it.) Anyway after the movie we had to
eat and then walk off some of the food so we stopped at B&N and I picked up
a little light reading.
Long story short… not a whole lot of
stitching got done that day. Then came Sunday, well after he had again gone to
play golf and got back home I was obligated to cook dinner since he wasn’t forcing
me to go out to eat. While the oven was already on cooking dinner, I decided to
take a bag of Amish Friendship Bread batter out of the freezer and make a few
loaves. These are what I call Pina
Colada because it is flavored with Coconut cream pudding, shredded coconut, and
pineapple extract.
As you can see it is really good.
As a result of all the interruption by DH I was only able to
stitch another row and a half on the wedding/anniversary sampler which from now
on will be SO,SN (Something Old, Something New).
As for the Wipocalypse part of this post, there was no progress
on any of my current wips. I stitched a design for my up-coming needle book
exchange (which I can’t show), I stitched the third part
of the LHN Hometown Holiday Series “Caroling
Quartet” I stitched LHN “Needleworker”
and you’ve already seen these pictures.
So there you have it, if
it hadn’t been for DH forcing me to do other things I would have had
much more to show. So while he is at work and the laundry is in the washer and
dryer I’ll sit and make some more wonderful little xxs. Thanks for stopping byJ