As I mentioned previously I was working on finishing some of the pieces and was having a hard time deciding what to do with them and how to do it. Well I have a couple I can show. The first is my Christmas in July SAL piece from Sunshine Stitches, they are little quilt squares I decided to try my hand at making it into a flat ornament. I think it turned out okay.
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Next up is one that I stitched a while ago and I always envisioned it this way. I love the little kitty statues that sit in some Chinese food restaurants and I found this chart and just had to stitch it, anyway here it is. As I look at it from a distance it's a little lop-sided at the top but for me it's fine. How cool is it that I actually found a button that looks like a carry-out box to attach to the bottom?
Those two worked out so well that I tried yet another finish, this one almost made me go off my sugar-free diet.
No I did not eat the cookie it was there just for staging the pillow, I promise. Although I did get a sharp stabbing pain in my heart when I dropped it in the trash can afterwards. Anyway there is also a cute little cookie jar button attached. I made a little more progress on Africa before I received the 6th part of Around the World in 80 Stitches. On Africa I got as far as the top of her bowl and started on her hand before I packed her up for now.
Last Wednesday night was Stitch Night at In Stitches Needleworks and of course I really, really needed another chart so I picked up these.
They are both from Waxing Moon Designs the first one is "Stitching Mends the Soul" and the other is "My Needle and My Floss They Comfort Me". I just love the little ladies. It took me two days to get this far on AW80S and I am debating if I should cut the Hardanger in this section or not.
The main instructions are for no-cut but there are two and I can do like I did before, cut one and leave the other uncut. I think that's what I will do. Well wish me luck and I'll share how it turned out next time. Welcome to all my new followers and thank you all for stopping by and taking the time to leave comments. Well I'm off to make either a mess or some pretty little xxs.