I never intended to be away so long... but lets get caught up. The last time I was here was before Stitch Con which I attended, it was FAB-TASTIC! I posted a video with lots of pictures of the brag table, smalls exchanges and the Keepsakes' annex for SHOPPING! I even brought home some items from the freebie table. You can watch the whole thing on my YouTube channel, the link is on the right.
I worked on and finished "The Right to Vote" from Mani di Donna. It is a tradition to ring Pam & Steph's (Just Keep Stitchin') bell when you have finish at Stitch Con and of course I rang the bell.
I also participated in another Stitch Con tradition which is to have a new start and mine was "A Haunting We Will Go" from Keslyn's. I didn't have to be a big start but this was just enough.
I put in a few stitches into the "Suffrage Act" from Little House Needlework's
As I said above all of the details from Stitch Con are in the video so don't miss all of the other excitement go take a look. That was the end of June and of course the July WIPGO numbers were called and I had to work on them so I wouldn't fall behind, they were #12 and #2. My number 12 was "Yin/Yang" from Stitchrovia and my goal was to stitch 1000 stitches.
I think I accomplished this goal, what do you think. This is being stitched on 22 ct white Hardanger cloth. My number 2 was "Crystal" and this goal was 1000 stitches also
I think I reached this goal too. I love stitching all of my wips and setting these goals for them keeps them exciting and I don't get burnt out on any of them. I had a birthday start in June, when I saw the eyes I was hooked, it is "Phantom" from Kitty & Me Designs.
The picture on the chart reminded me of my Smokey and I couldn't resist. I got rave reviews at the Needle Fest-Summer Get Away Retreat hosted by "The Boys" from Needleworkers Delight/ Silkweavers. The fabric is a little unusual for this design but it works perfectly. It is called Pele's Fire from Under the Sea Fabrics. This goes to show not everything has to be stitched on white. Speaking of white fabric, I started a new design at Needle Fest, this design was just finished by Shelia of The Sunshine Stitchers on You tube and it is gorgeous. It is ABC de la Brodeuse from Jardin Prive', it was a SAL with my friend Jan to start at Needle Fest. We decided it was easier to call this piece "Aida Button" and not try to pronounce the actual name which is French.

I have stitched on it since the retreat and this is where it is right now. Because the white even weave fabric is so narrow and long I'm stitching this on a scroll frame and to help keep the fabric taunt I am using what are actual magnetic cable ties, they can be purchased from Amazon. This is so much fun to stitch. I had another finish in July and it was "Harriet Tubman" from The Primitive Hare, she is absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait for the next in this series.
Next is the month of August and the WIPGO numbers are #7 and #8. My number 7 is "Sampler Roundy" from Shakespeare's Peddler on 32ct white even weave and the goal was a finish.
It just needs a center button and to be FFOed. My number 8 is the final part of the 2014/2015 Mystery SAL from The Primitive Hare "On Wednesday We Stitch Black" and I FINISHED!
The SAL is completed after all of this time. I also had an accidental finish... when I was pulling out my pieces for WIPGO I accidentally mistook "Fireside Sampler" for "Sampler Roundy" how, I don't know but it happened and "Fireside Sampler" from Silver Creek Samplers was also finished.
I love the wording of this and you will see it again when it is FFOed. I have a plan. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you already know I was attacked going down the stairs here at home by OLD AGE, it was like an old rusty hinge falling apart. So I had it checked out, nothing was broken or torn it just needs a little rest, fortunately I don't need that knee to stitch, so stitching is what I've been doing. I finished another wip "I Put A Spell On You"
I love the Sanderson Sisters and the movie "Hocus Pocus". I have two final new starts for the month of August so far. They are "Forever and Ever" from Cottage Garden Samplings
That Cardinal is gorgeous and I can't wait to work on the red one and the flowers. The other start is "Drink Up Witches" from Waxing Moon Designs
I guess you can tell that I love, love, love Halloween. Well if you are still reading, thank you very much for taking the time to visit and I hope it was worth it. For more up to date post you can also follow me on Instagram at minniegray5806. Now you know what I've been up to and it's time to make more of those wonderful little xxs.