A little progress. Yes so far this year I have finished two hearts
free Blackwork from Ajusau Press |
Keep-Love by Shepherd's Bush |
and another free Facebook SAL. This one is the English version of "Positive Thinking" from
Les Marottes de Nathalie, it was presented in several parts and in several languages. It is based on a poem by Norman Vincent Peale.
I stitched this on 18ct off white Aida with DMC floss.
The progress I was referring to is on my Joan Elliott design "Africa". I almost completed the large basket on the lower right hand side but of course I ran out of one color last night and it was too late and too cold to go out to pick-up more.
I may have to make a supply run while at least the sun is still shining today.
Well my trip to Micheal's was a bust. They have gotten very lacks in the refilling their DMC racks lately, I'll have to go somewhere else for the color I need.
I also have progress on an Ink Circles design "Turtles All the Way Down".
Believe it or not this is only about half done there are seven more turtles to go. Since I couldn't keep going on "Africa" I picked up "Idelia Mae Rich" and gave her a little attention.
If you remember this is the design where the head is made of paper and is glued on after all the stitching is done and it's ready for framing. This one seems to take forever since it is being stitched on 36 ct Vintage buttercreme linen.
Well that's it for now and I am getting the itch for a new start, so I'll be on the search through my stash. As soon as I have something new to show I'll be back. Thanks for stopping by and staying til the end. Got to makes more xxs.